How to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures

One of the secrets that has helped me immensely to date where engaging with the Word of God is concerned, is that my intention and pursuit should be to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ within the scriptures. The Word of God is the very Life and Spirit of God, and is therefore Christ Himself. […]

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Use the Sword! It’s your faith pegged on His Word that makes the difference in your prayers

A few years ago, I was in communion with the Lord when He stopped me in my tracks and changed my prayer life forever. He said to me, “Anne, the quality of your prayer life is not merely hidden in your ability to describe your situation to Me, because I already knew you before you were formed and know everything you need before you ask.

It is the substance of faith in the prayer that makes your prayers attractive to My Heart. And faith has to be pegged on My Word. You will gain more traction spiritually if you sit first and study My Word concerning your situations. Then, allow the revelation you receive from My Word to be the basis of your prayer life and not merely what you are seeing, feeling, hearing, experiencing, thinking or desiring.

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Using Worship and the Sword of the Spirit to win your Battles…

Thank you Angie, for once again sharing from your own experiences on how God has lead you to fight back, when it felt like there was no life left in you. Thank you for showing us how worshiping God when you feel at your lowest point, will bring the breakthrough. How using the Sword of the Spirit – which is the Word of God – with His help, can have huge power over depression, anxiety, fear and other circumstances that the enemy attacks us with. How spending time in the presence of Jesus will make us radiate with His Glory, for all to see. May your testimony set everyone free who reads it, by God’s grace.

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